Day 12, things you want to say to an ex

This one is kind of intense, huh? I take it to mean an  ex-lover, not former boss or room-mate. So, in order, I guess starting with the very first in my Freshman year of high school, who will be called number 1, and we will progress from there, here we go.

#1 I’m really glad I outgrew you quickly. Also glad we didn’t live up to your expectation and get married.

#2 Thank you for being so loyal, faithful, patient and for being such an honorable young man. I truly believe if life had gone differently the two of us may have stayed together forever. I still consider you to be a friend and I am grateful for the time we spent as a couple and the time since then as friends. Thanks for that time you said you were my “cousin” so you could take me home for Thanksgiving and I didn’t have to stay in the barracks.

#3 We had some fun. You missed out on some opportunities to be amazing. You broke my heart which was horrible, but at least it ended quickly. If I saw you walking down the street, I’d probably ask you if we could catch up over coffee.

#4 You are a horrible kisser.

#5 You could have ruined me completely if I’d let you. I’ve never been so scarred by another person. I wish I had done things differently after you. Why? Do you remember me? Do you remember me the way I remember you?  Were you sorry? Did you care? Did you think of me? Why? I hated you. I hated me for caring about you. You changed my life.

The last time we were together changed my life. I was ruined and scarred. I was almost destroyed. I am who I am today because of what you did to me. That isn’t a way of saying thank you. If I could go back in time it would be different.

#6 Sorry. You were a rebound.

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