My 13 month resolution

Every December 26th or so, I start thinking about the ways I want to improve. This year, it started in mid-December. I had that feeling of longing and regret over all of the things I hadn’t done, and some green shaded envy towards everyone who had gone cliff diving, seen a new state, visited a monument, ran really far, tried a new restaurant. Basically, people who were living their dreams, sharing their dreams with their social media followers and  benefitting from cool experiences. I’m sure some of them felt accomplished, while I felt like I was sitting in a chair behind a screen watching. Which I was.

Our family leads a pretty safe and basic life. Our one major vacation was a cruise. We floated around for 7 days, we saw some really strange things. The most exciting thing we did was zip-lining about 12 miles through a theme part somewhere in Cozumel. It wasn’t life changing, the food was amazing and I might do it again.

In December, my friend challenged me to do something with her. She was supporting a good cause and in an effort to start conversations, part of the cause was supported by us wearing dresses every day in December. I agreed and then realized I owned about 7 dresses total, including 2 bridesmaids dresses, my prom dress and my wedding dress. Also in my collection was a dress two sizes too small that I am going to fit in again.

I enjoyed the challenge of a bitter, Michigan winter in a dress and heels, doing my hair every day, missing pants. I wanted more like this in my life so I decided to challenge myself more. My resolution was to say yes to more invitations, to try things I’ve “always” wanted to do and to join in. My sister and I shared a pretty lengthy text string about the loneliness of adulthood. Relocating twice in the last four years has been an emotional upper and then downer.

These challenges haven’t all been fun. Every 5K is a freaking struggle, I’ve done 3 this year. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone, once out a really small door and onto a stage. These things that I’m doing though, are mildly to extremely exciting. I’m doing stuff and liking it.

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